welcome to the oc, it's super weirdTEAM DISTRACTION GOTYPE: network reply DATE: 07/21
making some plans to help amusing some teenage boys on a visitNECK OR EARS?TYPE: text communication DATE: 07/22
necklaces or earrings and why exactly?TYPE: network reply DATE: 07/26
clint gets to his first dream deathYOU BLEW UP???TYPE: network post DATE: 07/21
discussions post reveal that clint went boomDESTINY OR PORNTYPE: text communication DATE: 07/22
it sounds like a fantasy drama, but it might be more game of thrones than you'd likeTYPE: network reply DATE: 07/29
flying in life is hard enough without dream weirdnessHAUNTED DREAMSTYPE: network reply DATE: 07/02
the pattern of neglect isn't terribly uncommonSHOPPING TIMETYPE: network post DATE: 07/07
two avid shoppers meet up for shoppingBOY TALKTYPE: in progress log DATE: 07/08
discussing the meeting of boys... men, really, and how it's newTYPE: text communication DATE: 07/22
reasoning out calling up exesPHOTOSHOOTSTYPE: network reply DATE: 07/20
on route to see the shoot, and plans for some power testing afterMINE ALL MINETYPE: text communication DATE: 07/20
dream possessions and what to do with themTYPE: network reply DATE: 07/27
a pair of idiots not saying what they're thinkingTHE AFTERMATHTYPE: text communication DATE: 07/22
the discussion finally happens regarding the dreamsA CHEAP WAY OUT
WARNING: discussion of torture, nazis and betrayal.TYPE: completed log DATE: 07/25
but was it choice or destiny that decided?TYPE: network reply DATE: 07/29
making attempts at comfortORDER OF EVENTS
TRIGGER WARNING: sexual assault reference potentialTYPE: network reply DATE: 07/06
the sequence doesn't seem as important as the messageGOING ON A TRIPTYPE: network post DATE: 07/19
the plans to get to the bahamas are set and sortedTYPE: text communication DATE: 07/22
the dreams start but without much fanfareTRAVEL PLANSTYPE: network post DATE: 07/15
checking on the unpacking and travel buddies checking inGREASY ASSISTANT PEOPLETYPE: text communications DATE: 07/21
on set bitching and dinner plansTYPE: text communication DATE: 07/29
au-mom and au-son bond over the dumbness of bad guy names and captain america being a buttMIND YA BUSINESSTYPE: text communication DATE: 07/22
some people are just so rude they should be cursed -oh waitDRESS UPSTYPE: network post DATE: 07/25
gift giving and waffle datesTYPE: network message DATE: 07/31